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Ball-Blitz Pong Game using C++ Vs Studio 2022

Prerequisites Description

Bing Blitz is an interactive game based on the classic Pong game, developed in C++. It offers a modern twist on the nostalgic gameplay by incorporating vibrant visuals

Features How to Play
  1. Use the paddle to hit the ball and prevent it from passing your side.
  2. The ball will bounce off the paddle and walls, changing direction each time.
  3. Score a point by making the ball pass your opponent's paddle.
  4. Enjoy the competitive gameplay and strive for high scores!
  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Compile the source code using a C++ compiler with support for your platform.
  3. Run the compiled executable to start the game.

Special thanks to [libraries or assets used], which have contributed to the development of this game.

Acknowledgments Contact

For any inquiries or feedback, please contact Me.