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Nutri-NeXus Soil nutrition detection CSP

Prerequisites Description

A ML and DL based website which recommends the best crop to grow, fertilizers to use and the diseases caught by your crops. This project is featured on Krish Naik's YouTube Channel Check it out here.

Introduction Built with! 🚀
How to Use
Supported crops Apple - Blueberry - Cherry - Corn - Grape - Pepper - Orange - Peach - Potato - Soybean Strawberry - Tomato - Squash - Raspberry

⚠️ Usage

You can use this project for further developing it and adding your work in it. If you use this project, kindly mention the original source of the project and mention the link of this repo in your report.


This project is heavily inspired from this Github repository especially the crop recommendation and fertilizer recommendation part.

Project Team