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Employee Management System - A NoSQL DBMS

Prerequisites Description

The Employee Management System is a comprehensive and user-friendly web application designed to streamline and automate the HR (Human Resources) processes within an organization. The system leverages NoSQL as its database management system (DBMS) to efficiently store and manage employee-related data. With an intuitive interface, it provides HR personnel and administrators with the tools to handle employee information, monitor workforce details, and perform essential HR tasks seamlessly.

Key Features
  1. Employee Information Management: The system allows HR administrators to store and manage employee details, including personal information, contact details, job title, department, and more.
  2. Leave and Attendence Management: The system allows HR administrators to store and manage employee details, including personal information, contact details, job title, department, and more.
  3. Salary and Benfits Administration: The application facilitates salary management, enabling the calculation of salaries, bonuses, deductions, and other benefits. It may also include features for generating pay-slips.
  4. Performance Evaluation: HR personnel can conduct performance evaluations, assign performance ratings, and store performance-related feedback for each employee.
  5. Employee Self-service: Employees can log in to the system and access certain functionalities, such as viewing their personal information, leave balances, and salary details.
Technology Stack Deployment

The application can be hosted on a web server, making it accessible to HR personnel and employees through their web browsers.
