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Math Game Using HTML, CSS and JS

Prerequisites Description

A simple and interactive math quiz game designed to help young students (ages 8-10) learn basic math concepts in a fun and engaging way.


The Math Quiz Game is a web-based educational game aimed at teaching fundamental math skills to young students. The game challenges players to solve equations, fill in the blanks, and test their math knowledge in an interactive and playful environment.

Features Installation
  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/advaithreddy/mathgame.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory: `cd mathgame`
  3. Open `index.html` in your preferred web browser.
  1. Click the "Start Game" button to begin the math quiz.
  2. Solve equations by filling in the blanks with the correct numbers or operators.
  3. Submit your answers and receive instant feedback.