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Object Detection Using YOLOv3 and OpencV

Prerequisites Description

This project is an implementation of real-time object detection using the YOLOv3 (You Only Look Once version 3) algorithm combined with the power of OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library). The aim of the project is to detect and localize multiple objects in images and video streams, providing bounding boxes around the identified objects with corresponding class labels and confidence scores.

Key Features Usage
  1. Install the required dependencies and libraries.
  2. Run the main script to load the YOLOv3 model and perform object detection on a single image or video stream.
  3. View the output with annotated bounding boxes and class labels.
  4. Customize parameters and experiment with different images or videos.

Before running the project, make sure to download the necessary YOLOv3 pre-trained files and update the file paths accordingly.