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PrepCloud - Secure Cloud Storage Platform










PrepCloud is a comprehensive cloud storage platform designed to provide users with secure and efficient data storage and management capabilities. It combines a robust backend system with a user-friendly frontend interface to offer a seamless experience for individuals and organizations looking to store and manage their digital assets in the cloud.


In today's digital age, the need for reliable and secure cloud storage solutions is paramount. Whether it's personal documents, business files, or multimedia content, PrepCloud offers a safe and convenient space for users to store and access their data from anywhere, at any time.

Key Features Technologies Used: How to Use
  1. Sign Up: Users can create an account by providing their name, email, and password. The system validates the input and securely stores user data in the database.
  2. Sign In: Once registered, users can sign in using their credentials. The system verifies the user's identity, generates a JWT token, and sends it to the frontend for secure communication.
  3. Upload Files: Users can upload files of various types, such as documents, images, and videos, to their cloud storage.
  4. Manage Files: The frontend provides features for users to view, organize, and manage their uploaded files.
Security Credits

This project is the collaborative effort of a dedicated team, including:

Future Enhancements

The project's development roadmap includes features such as folder organization, file sharing, and advanced search functionality to further enhance user experience and utility.

Project Status

PrepCloud is currently in the development phase, with plans for ongoing improvements and feature additions to deliver a robust and secure cloud storage solution.

⾤ This Project is Open Source, anyone willing to contribute can Go through this repo.